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AROUNDDEAL(Arounddeal 融资)

时间: 2023-06-09 来源:东方情趣网



deal 鐨勭敤娉旤br />
1. 鐢ㄤ綔鍚嶈瘝涓昏?鐢ㄤ簬 a good [great] deal (of)锛欬br />(1) a great [good] deal of 涔嬪悗閫氬父鎺ヤ笉鍙?暟鍚嶈瘝锛欬br />He seems to have a good deal of money. 浠栦技涔庢湁寰堝?閽便€侟br />He has done a great deal of traveling. 浠栨梾娓镐簡寰堝?鍦版柟銆侟br />鏈夌殑璇嶄功涓婅?涔熷彲鎺ュ彲鏁板悕璇嶏紝浣嗗緢涓嶅父瑙侊紝鍒濆?鑰呬笉瀹滄浠夸娇鐢?細
have a great deal of friends 鏈夊緢澶氭湅鍙嬨€侟br />
(2) a great [good] deal 鍙?敤浣滀富璇?€佸?璇?€佺姸璇 (淇?グ鍔ㄨ瘝鎴栧舰瀹硅瘝锛屽挨鍏舵槸姣旇緝绾?锛欬br />At the end of the year there was a great deal to do. 骞村簳鏈夊緢澶氫簨瑕佸仛銆侟br />I鈥檝e heard a great deal about him. 鍏充簬浠栫殑鎯呭喌鎴戝惉璇翠簡寰堝?銆侟br />We see each other a great deal. 鎴戜滑缁忓父瑙侀潰銆侟br />I was a good deal surprised. 鎴戦潪甯稿悆鎯娿€侟br />She鈥檚 a great deal better today. 濂逛粖澶╁ソ澶氫簡銆侟br />
2. 鐢ㄤ綔鍔ㄨ瘝锛屾敞鎰忎互涓嬬敤娉曪細
(1) 琛ㄧず鈥滃垎缁欌€濇垨鈥滃垎閰嶁€濓紝甯镐笌 out 杩炵敤锛欬br />The money was dealt out fairly. 閽卞垎閰嶅緱鍏?钩鍚堢悊銆侟br />I dealt out two apples to each child. =I dealt out each of the children two apples). 鎴戠粰姣忎釜灏忓?鍙戜簡涓や釜鑻规灉銆侟br />
(2) 鐢ㄤ簬 deal with, 鎰忎负鈥滃?鐞嗏€濄€佲€滃?浠樷€濄€佲€滃?寰呪€濄€ 鈥滆?杩扳€濄€佲€滃仛涔板崠鈥濈瓑锛欬br />How shall we deal with this matter? 杩欎簨鎴戜滑鎬庝箞澶勭悊?
I don鈥檛 know how to deal with him. 鎴戜笉鐭ユ€庢牱涓庝粬鐩稿?銆侟br />This book deals with educational problems. 杩欐湰涔﹁?杩版暀鑲查棶棰樸€侟br />We often deal with that shop. 鎴戜滑缁忓父鍦ㄩ偅瀹跺晢搴椾拱涓滆タ銆侟br />
(3) 鐢ㄤ簬 deal in, 鎰忎负鈥滃仛鈥︿拱鍗栤€濄€佲€滃嚭鍞?€濄€佲€滅粡钀モ€濓細
The shop deals in clothes. 杩欏?鍟嗗簵缁忚惀鏈嶈?銆 鏈?洖绛旇?鎻愰棶鑰呴噰绾颤/div>


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